Friday, October 21, 2011

Major life decision made easy

A few years ago, Sarah and I were looking to buy a house. We found one that we really liked, and we decided to put an offer on it. The process of buying a home ended up being far more difficult than we had expected. We ended up waiting a couple weeks just to find out that our offer wasn't accepted. It was tough because we really wanted the house and we had already started envisioning ourselves in the house. But we continued to look for houses, still feeling a little upset about the one we lost.  We went and looked at a house that had just recently popped up on the market. Sarah immediately loved the house. I remember leaving the house and hearing Sarah say let's put an offer on it. Wow that was quick! Obviously this was a vey big life decision, so I definitely wanted to make sure we were making the right decision. Turns out we didn't have long to decide though because there were two other offers already on the house! If we wanted the house we had to put an offer early the next day, and even then it wasn't a guarantee that our offer would be accepted. So I woke up that morning still not knowing what to do.  The past few weeks I had been going through the psalms and that morning I read psalm 27. I started the psalm and stopped after the fourth verse. Here is what I read: " One thing I ask of the Lord,this is what I seek: that I may dwell in the house of the Lord all the days of my life, to gaze upon the beauty of the Lord and to seek him in his temple." Then I thought to myself wait a minute what is the address of the house we really like? 2704 Ethel!! Psalm 27:4 for 2704 Ethel! Could God be more clear!!! Of all the books, of all the chapters, of all the verses, God had a very special and specific word for me that morning. I knew that Gods plan was for us to have this house. Even after we put an offer on the house we had lots more troubles getting the house but I knew all along this was what God had for us. I love the way God speaks to us when we need to know how to make big decisions. He is interested in all of our decisions. We just have to ask, and He loves to give His input!

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