Friday, October 14, 2011

Penny Hardaway Basketball Camp

If you know me well, you know that I love basketball.  Well, when I was younger, I loved basketball even more than I do now.  I attended many different summer camps. I played on a lot of different summer teams.  I lived and breathed basketball.  One summer, I was attending Penny Hardaway Basketball Camp in Memphis.  I had a blast at this camp.  I remember playing horse with Penny Hardaway.  I remember seeing many NBA stars.  My fondest memory; however, was one morning when I had a terrible stomach bug.  It was the last day of the camp, and the most important because all of the big competitions were taking place.  One specific competition that I had qualified for the finals was the hot shots competition.  You could shoot from different places on the court and get a certain amount of points for each spot.  Well, I woke up that morning feeling terrible, barely able to stand up.  My mom helped me get into the car and we drove to the colliseum where the camp was being held.  I remember very vividly praying and asking God to heal my stomach.  I was 10 years old, and I knew God, but honestly I had never really experienced relationship with Him.  After praying, I remember very soon after yelling at my mom to pull over and let me out of the car.  I got out and threw up in the parking lot.  It had never felt so good to throw up! My stomach was healed, I barely made it to the competition on time and I did great, finishing in one of the top spots! As a 10 year old, I encountered intimacy with The Living God!  I understood more that day than any other day that God cared for me and He was living with me. Psalm 139:17-18 says "How precious are your thoughts, O God! How vast is the sum of them! Were I to count them, they would outnumber the grains of sand."  I love how God thinks about me and thinks about the things that I am interested in. This one experience changed my perspective on God. I understood first hand what it meant to have relationship with Him.

1 comment:

  1. Awesome story bro! I like that you were able to lopok back and see that experience as an encounter with God. No telling how many experiences we've had like that.
